Cherry blossoms are transformed into an attractive display for the home (2014/02/19)
Cherry blossom season is in full bloom. In Kaohsiung, one teacher of floral arranging shows you how to transform cherry blossoms into an attractive display for the home.
These beautiful cherry blossoms not only impress visiting tourists but can also be used to create terrific floral arrangements to be appreciated at home.
With 30 years of experience in floral arranging, this instructor knows how to trim cherry branches and place them in a special pot. The instructor makes the branches look as if they grew out of the pot, and even has a technique for bending branches into right angles.
Kao Hua-yang
Floral Arranger
You choose where you want to bend then slowly bend it. Arrange it so it resembles a beautiful cherry tree.
Other plants used to create floral arrangements include rapeseed and tomatoes.
Kao Hua-yang
Floral Arranger
Any vegetable can be displayed this way. For example, you can even use Chinese cabbage
In other seasons, fruits and vegetables offer another choice for DIY projects that can be used to decorate the home.
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