
Opposition releases poll showing support for trade pact to be renegotiated (2014/03/28)

The student occupation of the Legislature has drawn more attention to the trade-in-services pact Taiwan signed with China. That has helped many people better understand the agreement, and over 70 percent of respondents feel it should be renegotiated, according to a poll conducted by the opposition DPP. 

When a reporter asks people if they know what the trade-in-services agreement is about, most have trouble answering. But the student occupation of the Legislature has raised awareness of the pact, according to a DPP poll.

The poll found that 71.7 percent of respondents supported the students’ appeal to have the agreement renegotiated. Still, there are many different views of the pact.

“I’m against signing the services pact. It’s good for big conglomerates but workers like us will be badly hurt.”

“I generally support the agreement, but I hope that the government can offer a more complete explanation that will make it possible for more people to accept it.”

But even as people try to form opinions on the agreement, most of the public debate remains focused on political tactics rather than the actual terms of the pact.


學生佔領立法院行動,讓許多民眾關注起服貿議題,根據民進黨做的最新民調,有67%的民眾因此更了解服貿協議是什麼,更有高達71.7%的民眾,支持學生提出"退回服貿 重啟談判"的主張。

街頭直擊抽問,兩岸服貿協議到底是什麼? 民眾似乎不太了解,但因為學生佔領立法院行動,讓不少人,開始關注這個議題。

根據民進黨做的最新民調,支持學生”退回服貿,重啟談判”主張的人,逼近半數, 高達71.7%。遠遠高過不支持的數字,支持、反對的民眾也都各有理由。


“我大致上是支持,但是希望他, 政府能夠有更完整的說明,讓大家都能夠更接受”



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