Past democracy activists turn out to support student demonstrators (2014/03/30)
Twenty-four years ago student activists gathered in Taipei to seek direct elections. Today leaders of the demonstration, known as the Wild Lily Student Movement, returned to Memorial Square, now called Liberty Square. They marched with students protesting against the cross-strait trade-in-services pact.
Leaders of the Wild Lily Student Movement returned to where their movement took place more than two decades ago.
Chou Ke-ren
Founder, Wild Lily Student Movement
The symbol of the Wild Lily Student Movement is a flower that only grows in rugged mountain terrain. Among farmers, sunflowers are a symbol of green fertilizer. (These students) are willing to turn themselves into a component of the earth.
The Wild Lily protesters demanded an end to central government bodies known as the “non-reelection congress,” in which officials kept office for decades. Up to 10,000 people joined the demonstration, which ended in six days after then-President Lee Teng-hui accepted the protesters’ demands.
Now the Sunflower Movement is taking place. Its main demand is scrapping the cross-strait trade-in-services pact. According to the students, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators joined the demonstration today, but still, after 13 days, the students and the government remain far apart.
Chen Shang-chih
National Chung Cheng University
This president insists on his point of view and is not willing to make any concessions. Because of this, there is a deadlock between the government and the movement. We political science scholars see this as risk to constitutional law.
Past demonstrators who helped bring democracy to Taiwan want to let this new generation of activists know that they have support.
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