Burritos from a Box
精英翻譯出自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/
The single greatest invention for burrito lovers now sits in a Mobil gas station in West Hollywood, California. The Burritobox is a bright orange vending machine that makes burritos in 60 seconds. For around US$3, customers can choose from five varieties, which include steak and cheese, vegan fajita with brown rice, and chipotle chicken with black beans, to name a few. In addition, customers also have the option of adding sour cream, hot sauce, and guacamole to any of their favorite burritos. Operating the machine is fast and simple. Customers select any type of burrito and side they want by simply tapping the touch screen.
在加州的西好萊塢市,現在有一項對墨西哥捲餅迷來說很棒的發明就位於當地的一座美孚加油站內。這台名為 Burritobox 的亮橘色墨西哥捲餅販賣機六十秒內可做出一個墨西哥捲餅。一個捲餅大約三美元,顧客可以從五種不同的口味中來做選擇,其中包括了牛排起士、素法士達墨西哥飯(編按:此處的 brown rice 和台灣的糙米飯不同,是以墨西哥式的方法料理而成。)以及辣雞肉佐黑豆等口味,此處僅略舉幾例。此外,顧客還可選擇加酸奶油、辣椒醬或是鱷梨沙拉醬到任何一種他們最喜歡的墨西哥捲餅上。操作這台機器十分快速簡單。顧客只要輕碰觸控式螢幕,就可以選擇任何他們想要的墨西哥捲餅和配料。