Some Food for Thought 口腹之思:重探現代健康飲食
For many people, cultural exploration includes or even centers around the excitement of sampling diverse cuisines of the world. When it comes to breakfast, however, the sleepy morning preference is often familiarity. Allowing for personal and even national variations, there are some general patterns on European, Latin American, Asian, Middle Eastern and African breakfast plates. One surprise for Westerners is the savory Asian morning meals that a Korean or Japanese person could just as well have for lunch or dinner. In contrast, Westerners tend toward sweet foods like sugary cereals, syrup-laden pancakes or at least a smattering of jam on toast.
Eating preferences are conditioned early on by what scientists call "prenatal flavor learning," followed by habits taught in childhood. Nevertheless, some describe a person's dietary choices as one of the last bastions of individual control. Some eat for health, others for sensory gratification; some shop locally, others revel in exotic possibilities from around the world. We have stereotypes of waiflike vegetarians, aggressive carnivores, careless junk-food devourers and obsessive calorie counters. Although globalization has brought us copious choices of foods and ways to consume them, it has also complicated the seemingly innocent question of what's for dinner.