TikTok’s latest trend, parents cracking an egg on a young child’s head, has been criticised by medical experts over the potential damage it could do.
The videos, many of which use the hashtag #eggprank, usually show a parent with a young child in the kitchen.
The parent takes a raw egg and tells the child they’re going to crack it, but instead of doing so in a pan or a bowl, they crack it on the child’s head before pouring the egg into a bowl or pan.
The phenomenon has gone viral, despite it causing some of the children to cry or leaving them looking upset and stunned.
Videos using the hashtag had more than 670m views, and some of them were clocking up as many as six million views each.
However, medical experts have warned that the prank could have side-effects, including bruising on the head or spreading germs.
go viral:慣用片語,爆紅、廣傳。例句:The video of a cat teasing a dog went viral overnight.(一隻貓欺負一隻狗的影片,在一夕間爆紅。)
clock up:動詞片語,達到...數值。例句:She clocked up ten hours’ work yesterday.(她昨天上班10小時。)