Danish zoo plans to publicly dissect lion 丹麥動物園打算公開解剖獅子


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Not Your Average Bear  萌翻天 —— 與眾不同的可愛熊熊


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Worlds largest floating wind farm gets ok in Scotland 「全球最大」浮動風力發電廠獲蘇格蘭政府准許興建


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Selfies Gone Wild  神器 Nixie『飛』向自拍新境界


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The Famous Gum Wall in Seattle Is Getting Cleaned After 20 Years 20年後,西雅圖知名的口香糖牆即將被清理


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What's That Smell?  伴隨芳香的輕柔晨喚 ── 香味鬧鐘


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Unusual warming kills Gulf of Maine cod 不尋常的暖化殺死緬因州海灣的鱈魚


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The Dreamcatcher  悠遊*捕夢網**的詩意。美麗


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Licensed to swill007 set to boost vodka sales 豪飲執照:007開始促進伏特加銷售量


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Unseen Tours  旅遊新風貌── 街遊倫敦


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