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Themed Races: Run for Fun主題路跑:為趣味而跑!

精英翻譯社轉自: http://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0058/250983/web/

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Binge Watchers Have a 98% Greater Risk of Sleep Problems 追劇族的睡眠出現問題的風險高出98%

精英翻譯社轉自: http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1130794&day=2017-08-29

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Relaxing at the End of the Day with Some Afternoon Tea    來場下午茶饗宴吧!


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The Joint Polar Satellite System Is The Future Of Weather Forecasts 「聯合極軌衛星系統」是天氣預報的明日之星


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Tasmania: Little Island, Big Adventure  塔斯馬尼亞:小島大冒險

 —Helen Yeh

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Backpackers and foreign students frequently exploited in Australia 澳洲背包客和外籍學生經常受到剝削


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Computer Programmers—Creating the Future Today程式設計師──擔負今天創造未來的使命


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Ageism is everywhere 年齡歧視無所不在


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The Garbage Man Who Built a Library from Trash    書中自有黃金屋


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Lobsters must be comfortably numb before cookingSwiss government-瑞士政府:煮食前,龍蝦須舒服地失去知覺


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Caffeine: Harmless Helper or Energy-Boosting Enemy? 咖啡因的利弊得失
—Jay Sailors

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Swedish roofs can handle Santa’s sleigh - if he’s careful 瑞典屋頂能應付耶誕老人的雪橇——如果他小心一點的話


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A Sweet Cure for the Hiccups  打嗝族的救星——Hiccupops


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The Czech Republic is the unhealthiest country in the world 捷克共和國是全世界最不健康的國家


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The Traditions of Chinese New Year  農曆新年習俗談


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Let children who are slow to gain weight ’play’ with their food, says NHS 英國國民保健署:讓體重增加緩慢的小孩「玩」食物


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Celebrating Hogmanay    歡慶霍格莫內


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The best men’s haircut for every face shape 各款臉型速配的型男頭


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Let's Get Physical!  體適能運動讓您活出健康人生


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"Alien ice" is seen forming on Earth for first time! 破天荒!「外星冰」在地球上形成


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