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Superheroes encourage violence not morality, new study suggests 新研究指出,超級英雄鼓勵暴力,而非道德


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The Father of the World Wide Web    全球資訊網之父 ── 提姆‧柏內茲─李


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Russia and US will cooperate to build moons first space station 俄羅斯攜手美國,興建首座月球太空站


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Underground Adventures探遊地底奇景


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Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe 兒童與青少年肥胖擴散全球


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Square Mile Challenge    整個城市都是我的咖啡杯回收站


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Out-of-control Chinese space station closer to Earth impact 失控的中國太空站,距離撞到地球更近了


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Iceland's Economic Recovery  克朗金錢遊戲:冰島的經濟復甦之路


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Six of the most ridiculously impractical Guinness World Records 天馬行空的6項金氏世界紀錄之最


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Legal Here, Illegal Theres 什麼?!這是違法的?


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Can Halloween freak you out any more than the real world? 萬聖節能比真實世界更令你害怕嗎?


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Montreal: City of Festivals蒙特婁──節慶之都

M. M. Leonard

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Advertisers have stopped editing out stretch marks and people love it 廣告商不再修掉妊娠紋民眾按讚


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Pack Your Bags Like a Soldier   高效行李打包攻略:效仿軍人就對了!


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Hugh Hefner Playboy magazine founder dies aged 91 休.海夫納《花花公子》雜誌創辦人逝世,享壽91


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Korean Cuisine: Spicy, Simple, and Satisfying   韓式美食‧魅力難擋


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New York lands four Guinness World Records 4項金氏世界紀錄在紐約


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Life Can Be Sweet without Sugar無糖的甜美人生


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Sheep poo makes Norwegian cyclists sick 羊屎讓挪威自行車手生病


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The Cat's out of the Bag on These Cat Myths  揭開貓咪的七大迷思

Jay Sailors

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