India’s Tata Motors to rename hatchback that sounds like Zika 印度的塔塔汽車為念起來像茲卡的掀背車改名
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The Magnificent Mexican Mural 色彩的力量:動盪小鎮變身彩虹家園
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Celebrating the ’year of the penguin’ in Japan 日本慶祝「企鵝年」
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Holland is Calling 來自荷蘭的呼喚
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Bats sabotage rivals’ senses with sound in food race 蝙蝠靠聲音干擾食物競爭者的感覺
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Weird Hotels from around the World 來『趣』住一晚 ── 全球特色旅館
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Lizard lounging in New Jersey pupil’s salad is now class pet 閒躺在新澤西州小學生沙拉裡的蜥蜴 現在是班上寵物
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Being overweight or obese linked to 10 common cancers 過胖或過重與10種常見癌症有關
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Step into Art 3D 奇幻美術館‧不思議
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Alan Rickman, star of ’Harry Potter,’ dies at 69 「哈利波特」明星艾倫.瑞克曼過世 享壽69歲
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Sweet, Hot, and Delicious 吮指甜點 ── 巧克力棉花糖夾心餅
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Toyota,BMW...Kantanka?"Made in Ghana" cars go on sale 豐田、BMW….還是坎坦卡?「迦納製造」汽車上市
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Follow the White Rabbit 愛麗絲的奇幻旅程
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Serena Williams named Sports Illustrated’s Sportsperson of the Year 小威廉絲榮膺運動畫刊年度運動員
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Leaving on a Jet Plane 藍天白雲俱樂部 ── 空服員知多少
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Letter to Mars? Royal Mail works it out for British boy, 5 寫信到火星?皇家郵局幫英國5歲男童算出來了
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Music legend David Bowie dies aged 69 樂壇傳奇大衛鮑伊離世 享年69歲
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Cirque du Soleil: A Circus Like No Other 獨一無二的視覺饗宴 —— 太陽劇團
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