Canadians get a taste of agricultural Taiwan (2014/02/20)
Kaohsiung is trying a novel approach to market its fruit in Canada. It invited eight Canadian backpackers to work on local farms for 11 days and get a firsthand taste of Taiwan’s high-quality fruit, hoping that they will serve as fruit ambassadors when they get back home.
Kristen Fong is a Canadian nurse who is in Taiwan for the first time to experience agricultural life. She earned honors as the top performer among eight Canadian backpackers trying their hand at farming, but she wasn’t sure why.
Kristen Fong
Canadian Backpacker
I feel great. I don’t know, because I looked like I struggled the most.
Bringing Canadian backpackers and Taiwanese farmers together was an idea created by agricultural agencies to promote the country’s produce.
Chen Ying-lian
Kaohsiung Agriculture Bureau Official
We believe that having them promote our agricultural products through their perspective after coming to see the products is much better than us expending a lot of effort to promote our products. I think it’s more direct.
Having these backpackers share their experience in Taiwan through social networking sites is the Kaohsiung Agriculture Bureau’s newest attempt at marketing its products, as it tries to expand the market for Taiwan’s fruit.
[[加拿大背包客 Kristen Fong]]
[[高雄市農業局簡任技正 陳瑩蓮]]
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