Government announces first quarter GDP growth of 3.04 percent (2014/04/30)
The government’s official statistics agency announced today that first quarter GDP growth was 3.04 percent when compared with the same period last year. It is the first time since quarter one of 2013 that growth has exceeded 3 percent.
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The government’s official statistics agency announced first quarter GDP growth was 3.04 percent. This is slightly higher than the rate predicted in February, a boost the agency attributes to domestic demand exceeding expectations. One reason was a rebound in corporate profits that led to higher year-end performance bonuses. But as Professor Kenneth Lin points out, this benefit only comes once a year.
Kenneth Lin
National Taiwan University
Year-end bonuses aren’t given each day. They only occur in the first quarter, so I still believe salary increases are more important.
To keep growth above 3 percent for the year, Lin says exports will also have to strengthen.
[[台大經濟系教授 林向愷]]
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