NTNU conducts music survey as part of plans to launch popular music department (2014/05/01)
National Taiwan Normal University plans to found the nation’s first department of popular music. As part of its preparations, it conducted a survey of high school students asking their thoughts on today’s leading artists.
The popularity of the film You Are the Apple of My Eye contributed to the fame of its theme song, “Those Years.” According to the National Taiwan Normal University survey, this Hu Xia recording is Taiwan’s best known pop song among high school students.
The most popular artist was Mayday, and this rock group also had the three most popular songs. The purpose of the survey was to get the university ready to launch Taiwan’s first department of popular music.
Li He-pu
Dep’t of Music, NTNU
We hope to welcome famed singers or musicians to serve as lecturers here, such as Jody Chiang, Jay Chou or Mayday.
The university is opening the department to try to stop the decline of Taiwan’s influence in popular music.
Li He-pu
Dep’t of Music, NTNU
What I’ve observed is not a fear of China superseding us but rather that China already has superseded us. Categorically, executives in the music industry say that popular music in Taiwan has fewer than three years left to shine.
Classes in the department will cover topics such as composing and playing music, singing and digital arrangement, mixing and recording. The goal will be to train a new generation of pop artists.
[[台師大音樂系教授 李和莆]]
[[台師大音樂系教授 李和莆]]
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