Labor groups protest against Taiwan’s low wages, abuse of temporary workers (2014/05/01)
Taiwanese labor groups held a rally in Taipei Thursday to protest low wages and what they see as an abusive temporary worker system. The workers tried to force their way into the Ministry of Labor to present their appeals, but were blocked by police, leading to a tense standoff and clashes.
Labor groups took to the streets to vent their anger against low wages and the country’s “dispatched” worker system.
Workers from all around Taiwan took part in the event, and even medical interns showed up to vent about their long hours on the job.
At the other end of the parade, student groups were encouraging police to form a union.
Student Representative
The police have been oppressed for many years. They have to please everyone but they don’t have a union. We are here to give them a voice.
A crowd of protesters arrived at the entrance of the Ministry of Labor only to be greeted by a big contingent of policemen protecting the building. The labor groups tried to force their way through police lines twice, but were thwarted both times.
Unable to enter the ministry, labor groups brought in aluminum ladders to hang banners with their four main appeals high in the air.
Police estimated that 7,500 people participated in the demonstration.
本文引用自: 民視新聞網