Legislature to vote on tax increases for high-income earners and financial services (2014/05/01)
The Legislature’s Finance Committee approved one of the biggest tax increases in Taiwan’s history Thursday. The measure would dramatically increase the business tax on financial services and add a new tax bracket that will tax high income earners at a higher rate. The bill still has to pass two votes of the full Legislature before it becomes law.
The bill that made it through committee would add a sixth tax bracket for those with taxable incomes of more than NT$10 million a year. The highest marginal tax rate would be raised to 45 percent, from the current 40 percent.
Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
There are about 9,500 people with net annual incomes over NT$10 million. It will raise about NT$9.9 billion in new tax revenue. We haven’t heard any voices of opposition to this tax on the wealthy.
The legislation also increases the business tax on financial services to 5 percent, from the current 2 percent. It would bring in an estimated NT$20 billion in additional taxes. The tax rate was originally 5 percent but was lowered in 1999 to help banks survive losses caused by the Asian Financial Crisis.
Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
In the past, the government has given you a lot of support. Now that government finances are tight, this is like a tax giveback.
Should the tax bill be enacted during the current legislative session, the measures will take effect starting next year.
[[財政部長 張盛和]]
[[財政部長 張盛和]]
過去政府給你們這麼多支持,現在政府財政困難 回饋,本來就是回饋稅的性質。
本文引用自: 民視新聞網 http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/