Culture turned Fukushima from disaster to crisis
日本國會指定的福島核災難原因調查委員會主席宣佈,危機系“日本製造”,根源在於“日本文化中一些根深蒂固的習性”。 The chairman of an investigation ordered by Japan’s parliament into the Fukushima nuclear disaster has declared that it was a crisis “made in Japan” resulting from the “ingrained conventions of Japanese culture”. 日本國會的核事故獨立調查委員會(Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission)主席黑川清(Kiyoshi Kurokawa)表示,危機是核電站運營商東京電力公司(Tepco)、監管機構和日本政府“一系列錯誤和玩忽職守”的結果。 Kiyoshi Kurokawa, chairman of the Diet’s Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission, said the crisis was the result of “a multitude of errors and wilful negligence” by plant operator Tokyo Electric Power, regulators and the government. 在該委員會最終報告的英語版摘要中,黑川清將核電站事故歸咎於“不加質疑地服從,不願意質疑權威,堅決‘緊跟程序’,盲目的集體觀念以及島國心態”。
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