"Aaah that was really good", "come back soon and do it again" and "Mmmm, thank you".
「啊,真是太棒了」、「快回來再做一 次」和「嗯,謝謝你。」
It’s not what you think. They are audio messages broadcast by rubbish bins in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, where authorities recently changed the voice from a man’s to that of a sensual female, hoping it would be more soothing.
Previously the voice thanking people for disposing their garbage was a male, barking out no-nonsense messages from the public bins.
But in a bid to make the experience of throwing out garbage more pleasant, the voice is now a husky timbre delivering double entendres.
The dustbins were installed a few years ago in Sweden’s third largest city. A detector triggers the messages every time someone opens a dustbin.
double entendre:名詞,雙關語;一語雙關。entendre為法文, 意思是聽見、聽到,也引申做理解。例句:These headlines contain double entendres.(這些標題含有曖昧詞。)
bid:名詞,企圖、努力、爭取。例句:They have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.(他們不斷商討,試圖尋求妥協方案。)