Anastasia, the youngest daughter of the Russian royal family, was mischievous, intelligent, and lovable when she was a child. She was born on June 18, 1901, one of five children, and held the title Grand Duchess, as did her three sisters.
She was a kind and loving girl and helped her mother visit and comfort wounded soldiers during World War I. However, being part of the Russian royal family during that time turned out to be disastrous. In February 1917, revolution broke out in Russia. Anastasia’s father, Tsar Nicholas II, gave up the throne, and he and his family were placed under house arrest. This was not the end of their troubles. In October, the Communists started a second revolution in order to overthrow the temporary government that had replaced the Tsar. Anastasia and her family were moved to safety by the government, but the Communists eventually gained complete control of Russia, and the royal family was moved to what was to be their final destination, a house of special purpose in Yekaterinburg.
In the early morning of July 17, 1918, Tsar Nicholas II and his family—wife, four daughters, and a son—were executed by the Russian secret police.
Due to the fact that the location of her grave was largely unknown during the decades of Communist rule, Anastasia’s possible survival became one of the best-known mysteries of the 20th century. Some people thought that she might have escaped the execution, helped secretly by one of the guards.
Several women came forward and claimed to be her, hoping to become the heir to the tremendous wealth that the real Anastasia would have been entitled to. The most famous of these was Anna Anderson, who declared that she had faked her death among the bodies of the royal family members and had escaped with the help of a guard. Anna Anderson died in 1984, and DNA tests performed on her remains showed that she was not related to the royal family. Finally, in 2008, forensic investigations revealed that Anastasia was indeed killed with her family, and thus the rumors of her survival finally ended.
不少女性現身自稱安娜塔西亞,目的在於繼承安娜塔西亞本尊能享有的可觀遺產。其中最知名的分身就是安娜.安德森,她宣稱自己倒臥在皇室家人的遺體之間裝死,並透過警衛幫助而順利逃離。安娜.安德森逝於1984年,她的遺體經過DNA 檢驗後,證實與皇室沒有血緣關係。2008年,法醫調查結果終於揭露安娜塔西亞確實與家人共赴黃泉的事實,而她生死未卜之謎也終於落幕。