The Avignon Art Festival 流動的藝術饗宴 —— 亞維儂藝術節


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Twice luckyMichigan family welcomes second leap year daughter 好事成雙:密西根家庭喜迎第二位閏年千金


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How Sweet It Is   QQ 小熊軟糖


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Coffee has secret trick to stop sleep 咖啡剋睡有個不為人知的騙局


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Hobbiton 探索哈比人的故鄉 哈比屯


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GrammysTaylor Swift wins album of the year葛萊美獎:小天后泰勒絲奪年度專輯獎


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The Beret 時尚‧藝術‧貝雷帽


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US space-endurance champ says he could do another year 創下置身太空時間最久紀錄的美國太空人表示,他可以再待上1


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Rock Out with 2CELLOS 就是要搖滾 ── 提琴雙傑


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Public baths starting to give tattooed guests the thumbs up 公眾澡堂開始對刺青客放行


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