2 酒國做英雄酒後的心聲
有些人妻管嚴,凡事都在妻子嚴格的掌控中,弄得「起毛不揚」,心情經常處於鬱卒狀態,只好借酒澆愁。此時,你可以說 "My wife drives me to drink.",這句話的意思不是「我太太載我去喝酒」( 天下沒有這麼好的事情),而是「我太太逼得我借酒消愁」。
2 酒國做英雄酒後的心聲
有些人妻管嚴,凡事都在妻子嚴格的掌控中,弄得「起毛不揚」,心情經常處於鬱卒狀態,只好借酒澆愁。此時,你可以說 "My wife drives me to drink.",這句話的意思不是「我太太載我去喝酒」( 天下沒有這麼好的事情),而是「我太太逼得我借酒消愁」。
1 酒國做英雄 酒後的心聲
國人喜歡喝酒,不僅自己喝,也勸別人喝 (勸酒);勸酒就是強迫別人喝酒,英文叫做 force others to drink。不過,說也奇怪,既然喜歡杯中物,為何划酒拳時,是輸的人喝酒而不是贏的人喝呢? 而且必須 Bottoms up! (乾杯,杯底不要養金魚)。好朋友一起喝酒,往往還未動筷吃菜就先乾三杯,"Cheers" 之聲不絕於耳。
鏡頭對準外語 iPhone即時翻譯
在異鄉街道迷路,路標上寫的都是自己不認識的語言該怎麼辦? 新的 iPhone 應用程式WordLens (字彙鏡頭) 只要將 iPhone 攝影鏡頭對準外語字句,螢幕就會即時翻譯。現僅限英語與西班牙語互譯,日後將推更多語言版本。
Labor groups protest against Taiwan’s low wages, abuse of temporary workers (2014/05/01)
Taiwanese labor groups held a rally in Taipei Thursday to protest low wages and what they see as an abusive temporary worker system. The workers tried to force their way into the Ministry of Labor to present their appeals, but were blocked by police, leading to a tense standoff and clashes.
Legislature to vote on tax increases for high-income earners and financial services (2014/05/01)
The Legislature’s Finance Committee approved one of the biggest tax increases in Taiwan’s history Thursday. The measure would dramatically increase the business tax on financial services and add a new tax bracket that will tax high income earners at a higher rate. The bill still has to pass two votes of the full Legislature before it becomes law.
Foreign ministry denies reports that first lady will visit nuclear disaster victims (2014/05/01)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has refuted reports that first lady Chow Mei-ching will visit nuclear disaster victims during her trip to Japan next month. Chow will instead focus on cultural exchanges as part of a landmark loan of artifacts from the National Palace Museum.
Legislator says Lin ended hunger strike because of people power (2014/05/01)
Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung ended his hunger strike against nuclear power on Wednesday and is now said to be resting comfortably in the hospital. Public protests triggered by the hunger strike forced the government to put the controversial fourth nuclear power plant project on hold, but a DPP legislator said Lin came to his decision because of the support he received.
Former president on hand for publishing of new electronic newspaper (2014/05/01)
Dissatisfied with the current state of media, Nobel laureate Lee Yuan-tseh and others published the first edition of the electronic newspaper “Taiwan People News” today.
NTNU conducts music survey as part of plans to launch popular music department (2014/05/01)
National Taiwan Normal University plans to found the nation’s first department of popular music. As part of its preparations, it conducted a survey of high school students asking their thoughts on today’s leading artists.