Solar eclipse sweeps Africa, Europe and US 日蝕掃過非洲、歐洲與美國


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Women ’better at multitasking’ than men, study finds 研究發現女人比男人「更擅長多工」


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Sunshine vitamin may treat asthma 陽光維他命或能治療氣喘


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Chinese explorer Zheng He may have reached America before Columbus 中國探險家鄭和可能比哥倫布更早抵達美洲


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Pakistani girl shot by Taliban honored at Harvard 遭神學士槍擊的巴基斯坦少女在哈佛獲頒獎項


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Ms. Marvel returns as Muslim teen 驚奇女士變身穆斯林少女


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Rapper apologises for ’boneheaded’ stage dive 饒舌歌手為「愚蠢的」從舞台上跳進觀眾群道歉


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US bishop dresses as homeless man to teach lesson 美國主教裝扮成遊民(給教友)上了一課


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Anti-gay discrimination could be grounds for asylum -EU court 歐盟法院︰反同歧視可做為給予庇護的理由


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Eating nuts may prolong life 吃堅果可能延長壽命


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