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Koko, The Worlds Most Famous Signing Gorilla, Dies At 46 全球最知名的手語大猩猩「可可」享壽46


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The Louvre is on the Move 沙漠藝術之旅 ── 阿布達比羅浮宮


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Hottest Night in Recorded History Just Logged in Oman/史上最熱的夜晚甫登陸阿曼


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Temperatures and Tensions Rise as India’s Water Supply Runs Low 印度缺水緊張氣氛隨氣溫升高


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Giving up meat and eating bugs can help save the planet 不吃肉,吃蟲救地球


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Summer in Provence Helen Yeh 普羅旺斯的夏天


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Man with golden arm whose rare blood saved more than two million babies donates for final time 罕見血液拯救逾200萬寶寶生命的「金臂」男最後一次捐血


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The Chocolate Hills of Bohol 巨人級甜點 菲律賓巧克力山


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World’s oldest Sumatran orangutan dies aged 62 全球最老的蘇門答臘紅毛猩猩以62歲高齡辭世


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Koko's Story動物界的明「猩」 ─ Koko


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Which superhero is the strongest? Science has the answer-超級英雄誰最強?科學有答案


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Keep Cool and Stay Sweet with Frozen Treats 消暑冰品沁涼一夏

Jay Sailors

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AI can render 3D objects from 2D pictures 人工智慧可用二維平面照片算出三維立體物體


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Neapolitan: Pizza with a Past世界文化遺產之頂級美味拿坡里披薩


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Research on dogs might shed light on human responses to food-拿狗做的研究可能解釋人類對食物的反應


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倫敦背包行 The Backpacking Trip in London


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Cosmetics firms lay foundation to halt mass buying among tourists-化妝品公司為遏阻觀光客爆買打基礎


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Mini KTVs: All of the Fun at a Fraction of the Size 迷你 KTV:小空間大樂趣

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Long-haul fightJapan farmers battle Narita airport 曠日廢時的抗爭:日本農民對抗成田機場


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The Seaside Wonder of Stockholm北歐的威尼斯——斯德哥爾摩

M. M. Leonard

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