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The Nightmare Machine  找出潛意識的恐懼 ── 惡夢製造機


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Beauty sleep is a real thing, research shows-研究顯示,美容覺確有其事


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Spotted Lake  尋找夢奇地:加拿大斑點湖


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The U.S. Leads the World in Number of Climate Change Court Cases 美國的氣候變遷訴訟案數量領先全球


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Goa──Proving That Size Does Not Equal Might  果亞──印度的世外桃源


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Tai chi may help reduce depression symptoms 太極拳可能有助減緩憂鬱症狀


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Seville: A Spanish City of Culture and Passion  賽維爾:西班牙的熱情與文化之都

James Baron

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Intelligence Linked to Smart Genes 智力和「聰明基因」有關


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Stay in Style with Eco-Friendly Clothing環保衣材質正當道


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Women are more controlling and aggressive than men in relationships 女性在關係上比男性更愛控制、更具侵略性


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Meatless Monday  無肉星期一

Helen Yeh

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Young HIV patients living 10 years longer-年輕HIV病患多活10


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Scandinavian Can-do  瑞典式創新 打造科技狂想曲


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Earth to be 1.5 degrees warmer than the late 1800s in just nine years:Scientists -科學家:地球溫度在9年內便會升至比19世紀末高1.5


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The Rocketbook: The Paper Notebook Reimagined  火箭簿︰重新想像紙本筆記本

Mike Corsini

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People who read books are kinder, study finds-研究發現,讀書的人更親切


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Fighting Back against Cyberbullying對抗網路霸凌

Mike Corsinii

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Korea still has OECDs least happy students 「經濟合作暨發展組織」成員國中,南韓學子最不開心


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Tips for Remembering What You've Learned  幫助記憶的訣竅

James Baron

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After three weeks, French artist succeeds in hatching eggs 過了三週,法國藝術家孵蛋成功


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