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Borrowing People: The Human Library 「真人圖書館」出借真情故事

James Baron

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Playboys and sexist men are more prone to mental health problems 花花公子和性別歧視男性易有心理健康問題


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Never Stop Running: Revitalizing Taiwan's Footwear Industry  台灣鞋奏曲──製鞋產業升級再進化


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Museums, the New Social Media Darlings百年藝術混搭秒速圖像 博物館上Snapchat吸客


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Quiet Please! Don't Disturb the Pandas  請安靜!別打擾貓熊


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Finnish Baby Boxes: Scandinavian Tradition To Be Trialled In UK Hospital 芬蘭「嬰兒箱」:英國醫院試行斯堪地那維亞傳統


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Melbourne: A City That Has It All墨爾本:應有盡有的城市

Doug Nienhuis

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Central Tokyo bracing for first November snow in 54 years東京市中心準備迎接54年來的首度11月雪


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Printing a Better Future  3D 科技 印出美好未來


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Children spend only half as much time playing outside as their parents did 孩童在外玩樂時間 僅父母年幼時一半


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Measuring the Rise of the Doughy, but Desirable, Dad Body/女性新寵 「爸爸肚」話題網路發燒


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Overseas Korean wave fans select their top ten destinations in Seoul/海外「韓流」粉絲票選首爾十大景點


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Mexico City: From Aztec Empire to Mesoamerican Megalopolis 墨西哥市──古文明帝國與現代大都會的完美結合


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Shift workers more susceptible to infections 輪值工作者更容易感染疾病


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Future House: 3-D Printed and Ready to Fly3D列印+空運 未來房屋不是夢


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Japanese spa where you can bathe in wine and coffee 你可以沐浴在紅酒和咖啡之中的日本溫泉


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A Real Leading Man  實至名歸的影帝 -- 李奧納多‧狄卡皮歐


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A Cool Solution不插電冰箱

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Dance, Dance, Dance!  盡情舞出自我


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Countries OK worlds largest marine reserve in Antarctica 各國同意於南極劃設世界最大海洋保護區


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