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Bill:My sister’s coming to visit on Sunday.

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Mr. GreenThat candidate seems to be a good choice.


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JackArent you going to say something


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TimJoe should be put in jail for calling me a moron.


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JennyDid you see the sales team going downstairs after work?


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JessieBrrr! Its already March, but its so cold today! I cant stand it.

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2-World’s first floating ice cream van/世界第一部水上冰淇淋車


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1-      Worlds first floating ice cream van/世界第一部水上冰淇淋車

The world’s first amphibious ice cream van is touring Britain’s seaside resorts and waterways.

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Girl aged 3 with IQ of 140/3歲女童智商高達140


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英國人贏得事件從一個驚人的27米跳躍 - 88.5英尺

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走筆至此,大家應該可以猜得到 in a compromising position 在這三起新聞事件中的意思了吧! 沒錯,那就是「正在嘿咻/炒飯/做愛」(romping)。然而,in a compromising position 的意思並沒有這麼狹隘;事實上,舉凡正在做不該做的事或正在幹不法勾當,當場被發現、逮個正著,都可以用 in a compromising position 來表示,而不僅限於「四腳獸」的行徑。

在這個片語中,compromising 意為「有損名譽的;蒙受恥辱的」,而 position 意為「姿勢」。這個新片語的使用頻率越來越高,但英文中其實早就有意思相當的片語和單詞存在,而且也相當常用,那就是 in the act (of doing something bad/wrong/illegal) 及當副詞用的 red-handed;它們通常跟動詞 catch 連用。例如:

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1 - In a compromising position

乍看之下,這個片語的意思似乎是「採取妥協的立場」或「採取讓步的態度」,因為 compromising 意為「妥協的,讓步的」,而 position 就是「立場,態度」。然而,如果事情這麼簡單,筆者就沒有撰寫本文的必要了,因為現今在使用 in a compromising position 的上下文中,幾乎百分之百都不是在表達這意思。

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receptionist (n.) 接待員。stone (n.) 英石。1 英石 = 6.35 公斤。

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Tracey, who lives in Bristol, now weighs in at just 11 stone and controls her weight through gentle exercise and slimming aids.

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1- Bank worker overcomes bizarre phobia of SWEAT to lose eight-stone/銀行職員克服懼汗症而減重近51公斤

A receptionist at a bank has lost more than eight stone after conquering a bizarre phobia – of sweat.

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Of course you may simply wish to use a booking agent to assist you with venue-sourcing. Such agents often have an excellent knowledge of the conference venues on offer in Birmingham and are easily able to recommend the right space for your event. Whatever venue you choose you can be certain that investing as much time possible in locating the right conference venue will pay dividends in the long term.

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3- Finding the perfect conference venue


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Finding the perfect conference venue

數字的考慮:如何將您的代表到達會場- 乘坐汽車,或乘坐公共交通工具?如果是的話,是場地附近的公共交通如巴士總站或車站嗎?如果你開車抵達公園附近,你有任何器材需要擺放在會場前停車位?

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When looking for a conference venue then the key starting point is often location, location, location.

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