1- Bank worker overcomes bizarre phobia of SWEAT to lose eight-stone/銀行職員克服懼汗症而減重近51公斤
A receptionist at a bank has lost more than eight stone after conquering a bizarre phobia – of sweat.
Tracey Stone, 35, walked less than three miles per year and ‘freaked out‘ at the mere thought of exercise because of the irrational fear.
The phobia, which she developed in childhood, meant she piled on the pounds and it left her with ‘zero’ self-esteem.
At her heaviest, she tipped the scales at 19 stone and consumed 5,000 calories per day – more than double the recommended daily amount.
But in early 2010 Tracey overcame her ‘nemesis‘ thanks to a course of hypnotherapy. She has now dropped from a size 18 to a size 12.