
Cooler, wetter week ahead for north, northeast and east (2014/03/03)

Forecasters predict the arrival of another moisture-carrying cold weather system tomorrow. Conditions it brings will be a sign of the cooler, wetter weather to follow for northern, northeastern and eastern regions during the rest of the week. 

After a nighttime of rain the weather gradually improved Monday. But the Central Weather Bureau warns that another weather system will arrive Tuesday evening. The bureau has already begun to issue heavy rain warnings.

Lo Ya-yin
CWB Forecaster
For the next week moisture from southern China will move east and pass over Taiwan. This could easily bring rain to the north, east and mountainous areas in central and southern regions. We can’t rule out the possibility of snow in high-mountain areas.

Forecasters say it will become colder toward the middle of the week.

Lo Ya-yin
CWB Forecaster
Another continental cold air mass will affect Taiwan on Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures will fall again across Taiwan, with a particularly steep drop in the north. While this cold air mass is affecting Taiwan, we predict that lows in the north will slide to between 12 and 14 degrees. They will be 14 to 16 in other areas.

Over the next few days, the bureau says that one cold weather system after another will arrive. It also warns of daytime-nighttime temperature gaps of 7 or 8 degrees.




[[氣象局預報員 羅雅尹]]
“其實未來這一周,華南地區陸陸續續會有一些水氣東移,通過台灣上空,整體來說,北部、 東半部地區、 加上中南部的山區, 都容易有一些下雨情況發生, 可能在比較高的高山地區,不排除有機會下雪”


[[氣象局預報員 羅雅尹]]
“星期三、 星期四,另一波大陸冷氣團影響,各地氣溫又會再度下降,其中北部變化幅度還是比較大,預估大陸冷氣團影響時, 北部最低溫,仍然可能只有12度到14度,其他地方大概14度到16度”



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