Man cycles around Taiwan distributing free red bean soup (2014/03/02)
Tonight we have an unusual story about a young man who undertook an unusual journey. Last summer Tang Da-ke唐大可 cycled around Taiwan on an electric-powered bike freely distributing red bean soup to people in schools, nursing homes, orphanages and other places. He overcame flat tires and mechanical failures to bring people a small bowl of happiness and show them that they too can live out their dreams.
His real name is Tang Wen-cheng, but most people refer to him as Tang Da-ke. Tang can be found on his electric-powered tricycle, which carries close to 200 kilograms of ingredients and materials used for making red bean soup. His dream is to tour the island cooking the soup for strangers.
Today, Tang and his friend Wu Chia-ying arrive at Taitung’s Catholic Star Shelter to cook and distribute free red bean soup to these children.
Sister Kao Su-yun
Catholic Star Shelter Director
I think our children very gracefully accepted this gift. I am thankful that these two young people have this idea to travel throughout Taiwan.
At 11 o’clock in the morning Tang began to prepare the afternoon snack. He and Wu are carrying pots and pans to the area.
The first course of action is firing up the special stove to cook the red bean soup.
Tang Da-ke
It’s portable and uses less wood because the flame is more concentrated. Actually, it is completely assembled from discarded goods.
Tang insists on cooking this red bean soup with firewood, which he says makes it more delicious.
Tang Da-ke
A (wood fire) gives it taste. Using gas and boiling it with water does not create the same flavor. Using firewood creates a type of energy that can be transmitted into the beans. It’s a mystery to me why it can go into the red beans. I can’t describe it, but you can taste it and afterwards you will get a feel for it.
This large ceramic pot is another secret to producing the delicious red bean soup.
Tang Da-ke
I started cooking with a (ceramic pot). After comparing it to other pots and cooking with it for a while, I decided it was the best.
Another ingredient that makes Tang’s red bean soup special is longan.
Tang Da-ke
From the outside, these (red beans) seem the same, but how they were grown is important. We chose red beans which use fewer pesticides. The longan comes from Dongshan, Tainan. After using them, I thought they made the flavor of the soup more complex.
Originally, Tang knew nothing about making red bean soup. After six years working as a computer engineer, he decided to quit and take up his father’s craft.
Tang Da-ke
When I left my job, I had a lot of time. I saw that my father liked to share his red bean soup and took a lot of pleasure in it. I thought that I could take this joy and expand upon it.
When Tang set out to realize his dream of traveling around the island and distributing red bean soup, he quickly learned there would be many obstacles to overcome. Problems included a flat tire and running out of power. At times, Tang was left on rural roads waiting to be rescued.
Tang Da-ke
I didn’t know what to do when the (tire) blew out. The repairman said he would come that evening, and he was true to his word. He rushed to get it done that evening, and in the morning we tested it.
Tang didn’t have much money for his tour of Taiwan, but on some evenings like tonight he lucked out. Touched by Tang’s act of kindness, this hostel owner provided free accommodation.
Hostel Owner
When I saw him do this, I thought about what I could do myself.
Tang not only gives away red bean soup but also shares his story. Here at Luye Junior High School the students are impressed by his big journey, even though they have yet to drink his sweet soup.
Yeh Rui-chang
Luye Junior High School
After listening to him, I learned that some people’s dreams don’t need to include being successful in business. Instead, you can just do something small and potentially change a lot of people.
Shih Feng-chih
Luye Junior High School
A lot of people don’t put their dreams into action. I think that he is living out his dream and planting a little seed inside the heart of these students.
Tang Da-ke
If you do something good for people, I have learned that many people will join in and help you accomplish this goal.
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