2- Begin, start, commence (vv.)
Commence 的含意與 begin 完全相同,但前者是個正式用字,大多用在正式書面文件、正式儀式或其他正式場合中,或用來表示某種正式行動的「開始」,如 The lawyers are preparing for the trial, which commences in 30 days. (律師正在為這場將於 30 天後開始的審判進行準備);If everyone has arrived, the meeting may now commence. (如果人都到齊了,會議現在就可開始了)。
值得一提的是,begin, start 和 commence 當及物動詞時後面皆可接動名詞或不定詞。例如:
- When did you begin learning/begin to learn English? (你何時開始學英文?)
- When did you start to learn/start learning English? (你何時開始學英文?)
- She commenced to cry/commenced crying. (她開始哭了起來)