Eurostar High Speed Train 歐洲之星高速列車
Eurostar is the world’s most advanced high speed train connecting London and Kent in Britain, with Paris (including Disneyland Paris), Brussels, Lille and Amsterdam in Europe. Eurostar, also known as Chunnel Travel, is a fast, inexpensive and a pleasurable train journey, whisking you under the sea through the famous Channel Tunnel in luxurious surroundings travellin at a record speed of 186 mph (faster than plane!) 歐洲之星是目前世界上速度最快的高速列車,連接著英國倫敦和肯特郡與歐洲大陸境內的巴黎(包括巴黎狄斯奈樂園)、布魯塞爾、里爾以及阿姆斯特丹。歐洲之星也被稱為“海峽隧道之旅”,票價經濟適中,乘坐便捷。旅客置身在豪華舒適的車廂中,以每小時186英里的速度穿越著名的英吉利海底隧道(這一速度甚至超過了飛機!)。