An Egg-cellent Dessert蛋塔的起源
—Casey Cole
What do 19th-century Portuguese monks and a 20th-century British pharmacist have in common? Both can be credited with inventing and popularizing a well-loved pastry—the egg tart. Their contributions to the rise of this dessert make for an interesting history and explain how it has spread from Portugal all the way to East Asia.
The egg tart owes its origins to a monastery located in the Belém neighborhood of Lisbon, Portugal. There, monks once used egg white to starch their clothes. To avoid wasting all the yolks that were left over, they made pastries with them. Thus, the original egg tart was born.
These days, crowds flock to the world-famous Pastéis de Belém, a small pastry shop in Lisbon that has kept the monastery’s original egg tart recipe. The shop, which sells about 20,000 egg tarts a day, keeps the recipe a secret. In fact, only six people in the entire world have knowledge of it. Many shops throughout Portugal sell similar egg tarts, but none of them can compare with the ones made from the original recipe of the monks.
如今,人們蜂擁至舉世聞名的「貝倫區蛋塔創始店」(Pastéis de Belém),這是一家位於里斯本的小糕點店,保有修道院原本的蛋塔配方。這家店每天販售約兩萬個蛋塔,一直將此配方保密。事實上,全世界只有六個人知情。葡萄牙各地許多商店都有賣類似的蛋塔,但都比不上用那些修道士的原始配方製作出來的蛋塔。