Experts in new bid to unravel ’secrets’ of pyramids 為揭金字塔「秘密」,專家展開新嘗試
A group of Egyptian and foreign experts launched Sunday a new bid to unravel the "secrets" of the pyramids, including a search for hidden chambers inside four famed pharaonic monuments.
Architects and scientists from Egypt, France, Canada and Japan will use modern infra-red technology and advanced detectors to map two pyramids at Giza and the two Dahshur pyramids, south of Cairo.
"This special group will study these pyramids to see whether there are still any hidden chambers or other secrets" inside them, Minister of Antiquities Mamduh al-Damati announced.
"These engineers and architects will conduct the survey using non-destructive technology that will not harm the pyramids," he said.
Experts said the study, known as "Scan Pyramids," will also be a fresh attempt to understand how the monuments were built in the first place.
Many previous missions have attempted to unravel the mysteries of the pyramids, but archaeologists and scientists have yet to come up with a concrete theory explaining how the structures were built.