漫迷朝聖天堂 ── 國際動漫展
As with anything that achieves mass popularity, comic books are the subject of festivals. In 1970, the first comic book convention was held in San Diego, California. It was a one-day convention which drew only 300 people. The annual convention is now a three-day event and officially called Comic-Con International: San Diego. It is better known in pop culture as San Diego Comic-Con. Every summer, San Diego Comic-Con exhibits comic books, science fiction films, fantasy films, television shows, and other related arts. The convention is also no longer limited to any one style of comic book and includes other elements, such as horror, animation, anime, manga, and video games.
就像任何廣受歡迎的事物一樣,漫畫書也是節慶中的要角。首屆漫畫書展於 1970 年在加州聖地牙哥市舉行。這是為期一天的展覽,只吸引了三百個人。如今這個一年一度的展覽變成為期三天的盛事,而且正式稱為聖地牙哥國際動漫展。在流行文化中又常稱之為聖地牙哥動漫展。每年夏天,聖地牙哥動漫展會展出漫畫書、科幻電影、奇幻電影、電視節目還有其他相關的藝術品。該展覽也已不再受限於任何一種漫畫書,並且包括了其他的元素,像是恐怖驚悚、動畫、日本動漫、日本漫畫和電玩遊戲。