
英國奧運選手周四將金牌總數增至五枚,其中有三枚是在四小時里贏得的。克裡斯•霍伊爵士(Sir Chris Hoy)以新的世界紀錄獲得男子自行車賽冠軍,為自己的奧運徵程再添一枚金牌。

The UK Olympic team increased its gold medal count to five on Thursday with three victories in the space of four hours as Sir Chris Hoy added another gold medal to his tally by winning the men’s sprint in a new world record.

霍伊與菲利普•辛德思(Phillip Hindes)、傑森•肯尼(Jason Kenny)在奧運男子團體自行車賽中成功衛冕。目前克裡斯已經贏得五枚奧運金牌和一枚銀牌,包括2008年北京奧運的三枚金牌和2004年雅典奧運的一枚金牌。

Riding with Phillip Hindes and Jason Kenny in successfully defending their Olympic men’s team sprint title, Sir Chris now has five cycling golds and a silver, having won three golds in Beijing in 2008 and one in Athens in 2004.


The victory was met with thunderous noise in the velodrome where the UK team broke the world record in 42.600 seconds.

此前維多利亞•彭多頓(Victoria Pendleton)與傑西卡•瓦尼斯(Jessica Varnish)在女子自行車團體賽半決賽中雖輕易取勝,但因技術犯規而出局,男團的勝利可以算是某種彌補。

It was some recompense for the earlier relegation of Victoria Pendleton and Jessica Varnish for a technical offence in the semi-final of the women’s team sprint, which they had just easily won.

在男子自行車項目上奪金之前,彼得•威爾遜(Peter Wilson)在飛碟雙多向比賽中奪得金牌,此外,男子雙人劃艇組合蒂姆•貝利(Tim Baillie)和艾蒂安•斯托特(Etienne Stott)也摘得一枚金牌,這兩枚金牌的產生前後僅相隔幾分鐘。

The men’s cycling victory came after Peter Wilson took the gold medal in the double trap shooting and the men’s canoe double crew of Tim Baillie and Etienne Stott won their final, which happened within the space of a few minutes of each other.

羽毛球比賽中的假球醜聞繼續發酵,此前,中國已責令其羽毛球隊致歉。與此同時,一名被取消參賽資格的中國選手宣佈她將退役。被取消參賽資格後,於洋在微博上宣佈了自己的這一決定。國際羽聯(Badminton World Federation)此前表示,相關選手的競賽方式“顯然有損羽毛球運動的精神”。

Badminton’s match-fixing scandal continued to reverberate after China ordered its badminton team to apologise, while one of its disqualified players declared that she was quitting the sport. Yu Yang made the announcement on a microblog after being thrown out of the games for conduct that the Badminton World Federation ruled was “clearly abusive or detrimental to the sport”.


“This is my last competition. Goodbye . . . my beloved badminton,” Yu wrote in an emotional post on her Tencent microblog.


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