老外說你講話close to home,不是「離家很近」!
Jason和國外同事在電話中起了爭執,講到雙方都有點情緒了,同事嘆了一口氣說: Your remarks were a bit too close to home. 「離家很近?」Jason心裡想,是吵架吵不過,就叫人滾回家嗎?Close to home和家沒有關係,別會錯意。 1. Your remarks were a bit too close to home. (X)你的話是叫我滾回家嗎。 Close to home裡的「home」,指「he heart of something」,「讓人最上心的事情」,可以這麼理解。如果有人說你的話close to home,就是指你的話剛好打到他的痛處,可能是「太直接、太露骨、太真實」,讓人感到受傷害、不舒服。這個片語也常和hit這個動詞搭配「hit close to home」: Her comment hit me close to home. 也可以用來形容電影、小說等作品,特別指因為有類似經歷而有切身感受的那種痛。 That movie about the war hit too close to home. 2. See you home. (X)看著你回家。 老外說I will see you home,不是“目送你回家”,而是要送人回家。相當於 I will take you home. 我帶你回去。 I will walk you home. 我陪你走回去。 要送人回到門口,就用 My secretary will see you to the door. 我的秘書會送你到門口。 3. come home to me (X)回到我家裡 Come home to指突然間明白,有點像中文「豁然開朗」一樣,是個好用的片語。 A solution finally came home to me as I was falling asleep last night. The danger really came home to me when I saw the pictures on TV. 4. till the cows come home (X)直到牛回家 英文有很多和動物有關,很有趣的表達。牛體型大,走路很慢,等到牛回家,意思就是「很長時間」,永無止盡。 I could sit here and argue with you till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything. |
- Mar 01 Tue 2022 09:30
老外說你講話close to home,不是「離家很近」!