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Judge grants person the right to be genderless in landmark ruling 司法判決里程碑 法官同意民眾更改為無性別者


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The Importance of Listening不可忽視的「聆聽力」

Asha Thibedeau

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Teens Service Dog Gets Photo In Yearbook 少年的服務犬登上年度紀念冊


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Cambodia: An FDI-Powered Growth Engine柬埔寨:外資新樂園


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Fingerprints prove more than just identity 指紋不只能驗明身分


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Where Are the Eggs?  蛋到哪去了?

Debbie Rinehart

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Wreckage of lost ship USS Indianapolis found after seven decades 遇難的美軍印第安納波利斯號殘骸在70年後被發現


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Bringing a Taste of Home   舌尖上的異國饗宴?:撼動你的味蕾‧扭轉偏見


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British expat in Switzerland plans to sell fresh mountain air to China 瑞士的英國移民計畫賣新鮮高山空氣到中國


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The Claddagh Ring: Timeless Symbol of Love and Friendship克拉達戒:永恆愛情與友誼的象徵

Jay Sailors

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The secret to happiness is getting EXACTLY seven hours and six minutes of sleep a night 幸福的秘訣是一晚恰好7小時又6分鐘的睡眠


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The Social Media Lie Detector網路謠言偵測器


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Low birthrate threatens teaching jobs in S. Korea-低出生率衝擊南韓教職


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eSports: Taiwan's Newest Forte台灣電競新未來


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Women with big bums are healthier 大屁股的女人較健康


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Baking Soda: Safe, Useful, and Green環境救星—萬能蘇打粉

Debbie Rinehart

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Death rate is highest in Aomori, says health ministry-日本厚生勞動省說,青森縣死亡率最高


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Dabbawalas Bring Home-cooked Meals Wherever You Are  地表最強便當快遞 ── 印度達巴瓦拉


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Madrid bans manspreading on public transport-馬德里向公共運輸工具上的「開腿族」下禁令


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For the Love of Cheesecake  令人著迷的起司蛋糕

John Bramley

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