The British Dietetic Association’s (BDA’s) Dietitians in Obesity Management Specialist Group (DOM UK) and the Children’s Food Campaign have announced the launch of a new campaign to urge supermarkets to permanently remove unhealthy snacks from checkouts and queuing areas.
The campaign called Junk Free Checkouts is being launched today and aims to force supermarkets to stop selling sweets near the tills, which exploits the “pester power” of children who nag their parents to buy the snacks.
According to DOM UK’s recent nationwide survey, nearly eight in ten shoppers were unhappy with the sale of sugary or high calorie food and drink items at checkouts.
Almost all of the parents surveyed said they had been pestered by their children to buy junk food at the checkouts, and most found it difficult at that particular moment to say no.
78 per cent of the respondents said they found junk food at checkouts “annoying”. It also found that 83 per cent have been pestered by their children to buy junk food at the checkouts and 75 per cent have given in to their children and bought something because they were pestered.
pester power:名詞,兒童不斷要求父母買他想要東西的能力。例句:Advertisers perfectly know how to take advantage of children’s "pester power" in marketing.(廣告主非常知道如何在行銷上利用孩子的「纏功」。)
nag:動詞,不停地催促、叨唸,持續困擾;give in to :動詞片語,向某人或某事屈服、讓步。例句:Because she nagged so much, I gave in to her requests.(因為她一直碎碎唸,所以我順從她的要求。)
本文引用至 自由時報電子報 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/