David Cameron has mounted a robust patriotic defence after the spokesman for Vladimir Putin reprtedly said the UK was a small island to which no one listened.
At a briefing with reporters in St Petersburg, the British prime minister went into overdrive in defence of the UK.
"Britain may be a small island, but I would challenge anyone to find a country with a prouder history, a bigger heart or greater resilience.
"Britain is an island that has helped to clear the European continent of fascism and was resolute in doing that throughout the second world war. Britain is an island that helped to abolish slavery, that has invented most of the things worth inventing, including every sport currently played around the world, that still today is responsible for art, literature and music that delights the entire world."
He then quipped that he was quite happy for his remarks to be set to music.
mount:動詞,指發動、進行某事,如 The police have mounted a nationwide search for the killer.(警方已發動全國性的搜索行動來逮捕這名兇手。)
go into overdrive:片語,指開始積極行動以達到某個目的,如With her exams only two weeks away, she’s gone into overdrive and is studying ten hours a day.(距離考試時間只剩下2週,她開始發憤圖強,每天讀書10小時。)
quip:動詞,指講俏皮話、嘲諷,如"Flattery will get you nowhere," she quipped.(「歌功頌德對你一點好處也沒有」,她譏諷說。)
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