Wartime Recipes
There are all kinds of recipes from around the world.
Many are for making delicious and expensive gourmet food, but others have a more practical, less expensive origin.
Included in this latter category are those that can be classified as “wartime” food or at least are related to conflicts between nations.
Croissant 可頌麵包
Let’s start with an iconic French pastry called a croissant.
The most interesting origin story states it is not a French creation but an Austrian one.
According to that legend, the Turks attempted to invade Vienna in 1683 by tunneling under the city’s walls.
根據該傳說,土耳其人於 1683 年在維也納城牆底下挖掘通道意圖入侵。
Apparently, alert bakers heard the enemy digging and sounded the alarm, which allowed soldiers to defeat the invaders.
Afterwards, to celebrate the victory, Austrian bakers made a pastry that looked like the crescent moon, which appeared on the Ottoman flag.
Budae Jjigae 部隊鍋
Meanwhile, a more recent recipe was the result of the 1950-53 Korean War.
另外,1950-53 年的韓戰催生出了一種較為近代的料理法。
Called budae jjigae (“army stew”), this meal was developed shortly after the Korean War, when food was difficult for Koreans to acquire.
Koreans secretly took food, such as hot dogs, Spam, cheese, and canned baked beans, from US military bases in South Korea to help their relatives and friends.
Over time, these ingredients were cooked with Korean food like kimchi and instant noodles along with vegetables, and budae jjigae was born.
Taco Rice 塔可飯
Still another interesting recipe owes its creation to the Second World War, at least indirectly, although it didn’t appear until the 1980s.
還有另一種有趣的料理法是(至少是間接地)因第二次世界大戰而生,雖然它一直到1980 年代才出現。
A mixture of American and Japanese cuisines, taco rice was developed when a restaurant owner in Okinawa wanted to tempt more US soldiers, who were stationed in Okinawa after WWII, to eat at his establishment.
He mixed ground beef, lettuce, and tomatoes with sauce and served it on a bed of rice. It soon became a hit.