Several dozen journalists took to the streets of Saint Petersburg to demand the release of Denis Sinyakov, detained on piracy charges along with the crew of a Greenpeace ship after an Arctic oil drilling protest.
During the protest in Russia’s second city, blindfolded photographers and other journalists held placards reading: "Who is next?" and "Photographer is not a pirate."
"We would like to show that we support our colleague," Alexander Koryakov, a photo editor with Kommersant broadsheet, told AFP.
"Unlike in the West where society comes up in support of journalists, in our country there is no one to defend journalists." He put the turnout at some 60 people.
A former staff photographer for AFP and Reuters, Sinyakov was covering the Greenpeace protest for a Russian online site.
Sinyakov, along with the 29 crew members of Greenpeace’s Arctic Sunrise icebreaker, has been detained on piracy charges after several activists tried to scale a state oil rig last month.
The charges carry a maximum prison sentence of 15 years. The group have been placed in pre-trial detention until late November. (AFP)
take to the streets︰動詞片語,上街遊行、走上街頭。例句︰ Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against nuclear power plant.(數十萬人走上街頭反核電廠。)
turnout︰名詞,投票數、集會人數、產量。例句︰Despite hopes of a larger turnout, they well pleased with the rally.(儘管原本希望有更多人到場,但他們對這次集會仍感到相當滿意。)
cover︰動詞,採訪、報導。例句︰She covered the trial for our paper.(她替我們的報紙採訪那次審判。)
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