Diesel exhaust fumes alter the flowery smells that guide bees when they forage, potentially sending them off course and putting the food-growing industry at risk, a recent study said.
Honeybees rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate flowers from which they harvest life-giving nectar -- transferring pollen grains from one bloom to another in the process.
The new research shows that diesel exhaust fumes from cars, tractors or power generators can chemically alter the smell of flowers and render them undetectable to bees. This, in turn, threatens the insects’ crucial role as a key pollinators of human food crops.
"Somewhere in the region of 70 percent of world crops require pollination services, and... about 35 percent of our current food production is reliant on pollination," said study co-author Tracey Newman of the University of Southampton. Pollination services have an estimated economic value of 153 billion euros a year.
If the foraging bees are unable to find nectar, the entire hive will suffer for a lack of food -- as will the plants that depend on pollination to reproduce.
Bees account for some 80 percent of pollination by insects, but their numbers have slumped in Europe and the United States in the past 15-odd years due to a worrying phenomenon dubbed colony collapse disorder(CCD).
forage:動詞,搜尋、翻找,尤指四處尋找食物,如The children had been living on the streets, foraging for scraps and sleeping rough.(這群小孩一直住在街頭,靠著搜尋殘羹剩飯維生並餐風宿露。)
off course:片語,指偏離原定路線,如The book is generally well written but it occasionally veers off course.(這本書整體而言寫得很好,但偶爾也有離題之處。)
pollinator:名詞,指花粉的傳授媒介、授粉昆蟲,如Honeybees are a common pollinator of flowers.(蜜蜂為花朵常見的授粉媒介。)動詞為pollinate,另一相關名詞為pollination,指授粉作用。
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