An advance group of international inspectors arrived in Syria on Tuesday to begin the ambitious task of overseeing the destruction of President Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons program.
Twenty inspectors from a Netherlands-based chemical weapons watchdog crossed into Syria from neighboring Lebanon on their way to Damascus, to begin their complex mission of finding, dismantling and ultimately destroying an estimated 1,000-ton chemical arsenal.
The experts have about nine months to complete the task, which has been endorsed by a U.N. Security Council resolution that calls for Syria’s chemical stockpile to be eliminated by mid-2014.
Experts at The Hague, where the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is based, said Sunday the inspectors’ priority is to achieve the first milestone of helping Syria scrap its ability to manufacture chemical weapons by a Nov. 1 deadline, using every means possible.
That may include smashing mixing equipment with sledgehammers, blowing up delivery missiles, driving tanks over empty shells or filling them with concrete, and running machines without lubricant so they seize up and become inoperable.(AP)
dismantle:動詞,拆卸、拆除。例句:They dismantled my house without my permission.(他們在我沒有同意的情況下拆掉我的房子。)
ultimately:副詞,最後。例句:A tadpole ultimately turns into a frog.(蝌蚪最後變成青蛙。)
smash:動詞,粉碎、擊潰。例句:The dish fell and smashed into pieces.(盤子落下,碎成碎片。)
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