Students deliver petition demanding impeachment of premier, police chief (2014/04/01)
Students are urging the government watchdog to impeach officials who ordered and led last week’s bloody crackdown on demonstrators who stormed the Executive Yuan. Chief among the officials who the students want the Control Yuan to investigate is Premier Jiang Yi-huah.
Early in the morning, a delegation of more than 10 students and representatives of professors and lawyers appeared at the entrance to the Control Yuan. They protested the use of excessive force by the Executive Yuan and National Police Agency against students, and demanded the resignation of Premier Jiang Yi-huah and police agency chief Wang Chuo-chiun.
Lin Kai-heng
Student Representative
We want to stand up and demand that the Control Yuan begin impeachment proceedings against the premier and the police chief. The premier’s support of the trade-in-services pact did not take into account the concerns of the public. We believe this administrative negligence is enough for the Control Yuan to begin impeachment proceedings.
Dissatisfaction with the use of excessive police force led students to begin an online petition on Sunday. In just two days, they accumulated more than 2,000 signatures. Lawyers are also contributing.
Tseng Wei-kai
Lawyers groups have deliberated and begun to initiate lawsuits for state compensation and other legal actions against these people. We appeal to all victims and everyone at the scene to come forward. We cannot allow violence in our country, nor can we allow for there to be victims without pursuing the offenders. We will pursue this case till the end.
Members of the group were granted access to the Control Yuan and delivered the petition.
[[陳情代表(台大社研所學生) 林凱衡]]
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