
Bamboo handicraft maker weaves QR codes (2014/03/20)

One of the functions of smart phones is reading optical labels commonly known as QR codes. To expand its product line, a bamboo handicraft maker in Nantou began creating QR code from thin bamboo strips. The products are eye-catching and perfectly readable for smart phones. 

Scanning barcodes is one of the latest functions of smart phones. Inspired by such novelty, a handicraft maker in Nantou offers a new product line, making QR codes using locally grown bamboo. The accuracy is as high as 100 percent. 

Bamboo Handicraft Maker
There are plenty of websites that can generate QR code, says this artisan. All we need to do is to find the websites that we wish to access and enter the web address. The websites automatically generate a QR code for us.

Before starting to make QR code from bamboo strips, the handicraft maker needs to get the computer-generated QR code. Based on the enlarged QR code designs, workers are able to weave bamboo strips together.

Raw bamboo is first cut into flat strips that are 0.25 centimeters wide so the final products are readable. 

Bamboo-woven QR code is a novelty that grabs people’s attention and shows that a creative spin in traditional industry can lead to new business opportunities.


南投竹山有文創業者,將傳統竹編產業,結合最新的手機掃描技術,做出竹編的QR -CODE,做工精緻的竹編QR CODE,不僅像一件工藝品,用手機掃描連結的準確度,高達百分之百。


目前網站上有很多的轉碼,轉成QR CODE的網站,我們只要找到我們要轉碼的網站,我們把它的網址丟上去,它就會自動幫我們轉成QR CODE碼。

要做出一個竹編QR CODE,必須先用電腦程式,計算出需要連結的網頁位置,再透過電腦編排出QR碼的圖形,最後算準格數,就可以進行編排。

製作的過程,要把竹子先削成0.25公分左右的扁平竹條,精確測量,編出來的QR CODE,掃描過程才不會出現誤差。

第一次看到竹編成的QR CODE,民眾感到很新奇。傳統產業加點創意,也能開創新的商機。



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