
Rebellion Brings Libya to the Edge of War

First there was Tunisia and then Egypt. Now, the storm of popular protest in the Middle East has reached Libya. The country has been ruled by Colonel Gaddafi, a dictator, for the past forty years. However, his rule is now threatened. Waves of rebellion against his government have brought the country to a standstill. In response, Gaddafi has ordered the army to attack the protestors.

The situation is getting worse every day. Important government officials have refused to carry out Gaddafi’s orders to attack the protestors. Others have joined the rebels. This includes the defence minister and Libya’s foreign diplomats. The rest of the world has unanimously withdrawn support from the dictator. Even so, Gaddafi seems determined to hold onto power. Many observers think that a tsunami of violence could wash across the country if a full civil war develops.





  • Rebellion 反抗;動亂
  • dictator 獨裁者
  • threaten 威脅
  • standstill 停滯不前
  • unanimously 一致地
  • withdraw 撤除
  • civil war 內戰


Writers often compare public unrest to violent natural events. Here, the writer uses ‘storm’ and two sea metaphors, ‘waves’ and ‘tsunami’, to describe the way protestors have attacked their governments.



  1. The troubles in the Middle East _______ the recent economic recovery.
  2. We _______ elected Zhao as class president.
  3. The only US _______ was fought between northern and southern states.
  4. Obama plans to ______ US forces from Afghanistan.
  5. During Chinese New Year, Taipei comes to a _______.
  6. The fashion designer Galliano lost his job for saying he admired the _______ Hitler.
  7. There was a _______ because of the unfair new taxes.


  1. threaten
  2. unanimously
  3. civil war
  4. withdraw
  5. standstill
  6. dictator
  7. rebellion

(資料來源:British Council 英國文化協會)

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