Uneasy Peace on the Ivory Coast


Along with the civil war in Libya, the small African country of the Ivory Coast has also been gripped by turmoil. Back in November, an election monitored by the UN took power from the then president, Laurent Gbagbo. The winner of the election, Alessandro Ouattara, was supposed to take power in December. However, Gbagbo refused to go, and Alessandro Ouattara’s supporters took to the streets.


Sporadic fighting began, and in January, the UN stepped in. French and other UN forces backed up Ouattara’s supporters as they advanced on the capital. Despite their help, however, it was only this week that saw Alessandro finally acknowledged as president. But the fighting is not yet over. Instead, Gbagbo’s supporters across the country have gone to the barricades themselves. Although Gbagbo himself has been imprisoned, it seems that the troubled country is not yet fully at peace.










  • turmoil 動亂;混亂
  • sporadic 零星的;分散的
  • back up 支援;支持
  • advance on 前進
  • acknowledge 承認
  • imprison 監禁




This article uses two phrases associated with revolutions. ‘Take to the streets’ means go out and protest. ‘Go to the barricades’ is reference to the French Revolution, when citizens built makeshift walls (barricades) in the streets of Paris to protect from government troops.


本文使用了兩個與「革命」相關的片語;「Take to the streets」表示上街抗爭,「Go to the barricades」意指法國大革命時,民眾在巴黎街頭設立路障,用以對抗政府軍隊。




  1. After his conviction for corruption, the former president was ____________.
  2. The earthquake in Japan was followed by ______ aftershocks.
  3. Once a president is democratically elected, other countries should _______ his position.
  4. Gadaffi’s troops ___________ the rebel outpost yesterday.
  5. After the recession of 2008, financial markets were in ______.
  6. If I make the complaint, will you _____ me __ ?




  1. imprisoned
  2. sporadic
  3. acknowledge
  4. advanced on
  5. turmoil
  6. back;up


(資料來源:British Council 英國文化協會)

本文引用自 英文資訊交流網 http://blog.cybertranslator.idv.tw/





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