
Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung forms new political group (2014/03/13)

After a long absence from politics, former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung announced the formation of a new political group. The Taiwan Citizen Union will focus on social reform and progress and could eventually put forward candidates for office. 

Nearly eight years after withdrawing from the DPP, former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung is returning with a new political group that he hopes to use to challenge both the KMT and DPP. Today, he laid out his plans. 

Lin Yi-hsiung
Former DPP Chairman
I have felt an idealistic power accompanying Taiwan’s progress. I think this idealism should interact and play a greater role in Taiwanese civil society…Now we are discussing establishing this group. I have interacted, met with and spent time with these individuals, but I don’t have any title. 

Lin’s Taiwan Citizen Union will focus on social reform and progress and will welcome other political parties to accept its views. Lin would not say if it will put forward legislative candidates in the 2016 elections. 

Lin Yi-hsiung
Former DPP Chairman
I suggested this group have more social interaction to promote community ideals, so they can spread to more people. Whether we take part in future elections will depend on our future development.

Lin refrained from commenting about this year's seven-in-one elections. But he did not rule out campaigning on behalf of friends, and said he would back Yu Shyi-kun, the DPP’s nominee to become mayor of New Taipei City.


淡出政壇的前民進黨主席林義雄,最近因為催生新政團,而成為媒體關注焦點。他接受本台獨家專訪,證實新政團名稱就叫做「公民組合」,也一一闡述新政團的理念,不過他強調自己不會在這個政團中擔任職務。今年底的七合一選舉,他也願意站台,包括參選新北市的游錫? 。


[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]] 
現在談及要成立的團體,我個人與他們的互動,就是與他們接觸 與他們在一起,沒有要什麼頭銜。"


[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]
"我是鼓勵(此團體)要和社會互動,將社會上的理想性提升起來,傳播給更多人知道,一起來做些事情。至於要做什麼事,要參選不參選 ,那都要看以後發展才知道。"



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