Family of slain fisherman relieved by Philippine homicide charges (2014/03/19)
The daughter of a Taiwanese fisherman slain last year by Philippine Coast Guard personnel is relieved to hear that charges have been filed. The Philippine Department of Justice charged eight suspects with homicide, two of whom also face obstruction of justice charges.
In May of last year, the Taiwanese fishing boat Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 was fired upon by Philippine Coast Guard members, resulting in the death of fisherman Hung Shih-cheng. At the time, the boat was operating in waters where the two countries' exclusive economic zones overlap. Yesterday, the Philippine Department of Justice filed homicide charges against eight of the Coast Guard members.
The daughter of the deceased fisherman, early this morning set off for Siaoliouciou to make an offering of incense to her deceased father and inform him of the good news.
Hung Tsu-chien
Victim’s Daughter
I am pleased. It was faster than I expected. I hope that follow-up proceedings will go as smoothly. The government is also willing to look out for the safety of fishermen in the Bashi Channel, making my father’s sacrifice worthwhile.
The victim’s daughter hopes Taiwan could play a leading role in the trial.
Hung Tsu-chien
Victim’s Daughter
We look forward to them being extradited to Taiwan to stand trial. But how this would be carried out is something our government will have to figure out.
The Ministry of Justice said Taiwan and the Philippines currently have no extradition treaty. Prosecutors did say an arrest warrant has been issued, and if these individuals enter Taiwan, they will be immediately taken into custody.
[[廣大興案受害家屬 洪慈綪]]
[[廣大興案受害家屬 洪慈綪]]
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