FDA to require disclosure of the role chefs play in making foods they advertise (2014/03/12)
Enlisting celebrated chefs to promote everything from cakes to ready-to-eat meals is a popular marketing technique. But some consumers feel they are being cheated because these cooking masters often contribute little to actual production of these rather mundane foods. The Food and Drug Administration plans to change that by requiring full disclosure of the role these spokespeople play.
Chiang Ching-kuo’s former chef is seen here demonstrating how to make this special dish for Lunar New Year and as it turns out, becoming a spokesperson for this brand. Now, a number of convenience stores are enlisting famous chefs to become spokespeople for advance order Mother’s Day cakes.
According to the Food and Drug Administration’s latest proposed draft regulations governing pre-paid food contracts, manufacturers will have to clearly indicate if these chefs have personally produced this food.
Cheng Wei-chih
FDA Official
Information needs to be disclosed, such as whether this famous chef is only a spokesperson, or actually assisted in the production of the food, or was the sole producer. I believe that this is a correct attitude that reflects responsibility to consumers.
DM materials will no longer be able to say that images are “for reference only” to avoid deceiving consumers with doctored images. The scope of these regulations will extend from pre-ordered Lunar New Year meals to TV, internet and convenience store pre-ordered food products.
The new regulations could take effect by the end of the year, making businesses who run afoul of the law subject to fines ranging upwards of NT$300,000
[[食藥署食品組科長 鄭維智]]
此外,DM上也不能再標示'僅供參考',避免照片過度美化,產生消費糾紛; 規範也將從年菜食品,擴大到所有電視、網路、超商等網購和預購商品。
本文引用自 民視新聞網 http://news.xn--1qws34d.com/