
Wikileaks Causes Diplomatic Storm

No-one likes it when their dirty laundry is aired in public. When the laundry belongs to the most powerful government in the world, the story is explosive. This is what happened when the website Wikileaks published hundreds of thousands of secret US documents at the end of 2010.

In fact, many of the documents were low level diplomatic messages. They were little more than gossip. Even so, many of the messages were very embarrassing for the US government. Others involved the wrong-doing of the US’s allies.

The US reacted very angrily. It tried to force the Wikileaks website off the web. Nevertheless, information is still coming out. What the story shows most clearly, though, is that in today’s wired world, be careful what you write down. You never know where it might end up.






  • website 網站
  • documents 文件
  • diplomatic 外交的
  • gossip 流言蜚語
  • allies 盟友
  • wired world 網路世界


You can guess at the meaning of some idioms, even if you have not seen them before. You would be embarrassed if people could see your dirty underwear. So you can guess that airing your dirty laundry in public means having embarrassing secrets brought into the open.

即使你未曾看過某些成語,依照句意聯想即可約略猜到其含義。例如:若他人窺見你的髒內衣,你會覺得難堪,可據以聯想「airing your dirty laundry in public」代表醜聞外揚。


  1. After removed WikiLeaks, hackers attacked the popular book __________.
  2. Over the last few years, Taiwan’s __________ relationship with China have improved.
  3. Be careful with these __________ – you need them for your university application!
  4. Now that every phone can get on the internet, the ___________ is becoming a reality.
  5. I hate _________ – you never know what people are saying behind your back!
  6. The US and Taiwan have long been ______.


  1. website
  2. diplomatic
  3. documents
  4. wired world
  5. gossip
  6. allies

(資料來源:British Council 英國文化協會)

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